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Daniel Joseph Gear

Web Developer

Latest Works





Reselect and memoization with Redux state management

Reselect is a very useful third party library to use while managing state with Redux or other state management tools like React’s ContextAPI, etc. It’s useful because it uses memoization to prevent unnecessary component rerender’s if the state hasn’t changed. If you don’t know what memoization is, basically it stores previously used data in a […]

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Performance Optimization for React App’s using code splitting and lazy loading

Behind good security, performance is one of the most important things to consider when creating any kind of web or mobile app. Amazon found out over 10 years ago that for every 100ms of latency it cost them 1% in sales, click on this article if you want to learn more. With that being said […]

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Website Security

Online security is a very important topic for me. Everyday their seems to be another security breach into big databases with alot of sensitive personal information. Such as Yahoo and Equifax as just two examples. I’ve always had the of perspective that my life is my responsibility and no one else’s. Part of that responsibility is my […]

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